Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Week 8 Ethical Dilemma Project

Week 8 Ethical Dilemma Project

Q Your assignment this week is to create a 4- to 5-minute training presentation based on your ethical dilemma essay. It should consist of approximately 10 well-designed, informative, and engaging slides. Assume that you are a manager of a business or industry who needs to develop a 4- to 5-minute training video on the topic you selected for your Course Dilemma Project. The video should address the ethical and legal problem you identified in your paper and educate new and/or existing employees on what is wrong and why they should do "_____" instead of "_____" to eliminate the problem or solve it when they face it. Prepare a presentation that clearly demonstrates "right" conduct concerning the issue and explains why this ethical-legal issue in the workplace matters. The training video should have entertainment value as well as educational value. You will record audio and visual commentary to go along with the presentation using Kaltura, PowerPoint, or another tool of your choosing. The presentation should contain the following content. • A title slide that features your topic selection, your name, DeVry University, and the course identifier (ETHC232) • A slide that defines the ethical term you chose in Week 2; include a citation on the slide for the definition you used • A slide that depicts the case you selected o This can be an image or visual only (a picture that is worth a thousand words) to show the case that you narrate in your presentation. Include a citation on the slide for the photo or image you used. • A slide that lists the ethical dilemma and the three theories; cite sources on the slide • A slide that shows which laws or codes apply; cite sources on the slide • A slide that gives possible solutions and impacts on stakeholders • A slide that gives your solution and your rationale for choosing it • A slide that shows where, how, when, or why the situation can occur in the workplace of the future • A slide that gives advice or tips on how to handle the dilemma when it does occur • References slide o Sources must be cited on individual slides and documented on a References slide using APA style. Post your presentation to the discussion area by Wednesday and make comments to the presentations of at least two other students. You are to act as a trainee or newly hired employee. Please refer to the Ethical Dilemma Project Overview in the Introduction and Resources Module for details. You will be graded on your demonstrated understanding of the ethical dilemma, overall slide quality (visual appeal, grammatical correctness, accuracy), and overall audiovisual presentation quality (clear voice, smooth delivery). Please see the rubric for the presentation. Remember to submit your assignment.

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